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"Holy Angels is a rich parish because of its diversity. From its humble beginning with German, Irish, and Italian immigrants to the present population of parishioners from Mexico, Central and South America, from the Philippines, Fiji Islands, and other areas of the Pacific Rim, Asia and Africa, we remain a friendly group of people who continue to respect and learn from each other."   -Bianca Caserza

Our Mission
Parish Goal and Objective

A.  To make visible in the Parish of Holy Angels the Kingdom of God established by our Lord Jesus Christ, who is our Priest, Prophet, and King. The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of Love, Peace and Justice.

B.  We, the Community of Holy Angels by virtue of our Sacred Baptism, are called to share in the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ to SANCTIFY, TEACH, and LEAD one another in bringing to this parish God’s Love, Peace and Justice.

C.  In the spirit of hope, we then remember, celebrate and believe as a people of God to continue the redemptive work by living the history and mystery of our faith.

  • I, John saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old order has passed away.

  • No more Greek nor Jew, but one People of God

  • That all may be one as you Father and I are one (St. John)

  • Unity in Diversity & Diversity in Unity (as opposed to uniformity)

  • One Body of Christ - but many members; many ministries - but one spirit in Christ

A.  By virtue of the Sacrament of Baptism which we have been all marked, we, the believing Christians in this Community of Holy Angels Parish are committed to share our faith with one another in WORD and ACTION. In WORD, we are committed to teach and instill in the hearts of our people the basic truths and values of our Christian Faith, as we live and grow in our faith, so that in our ACTION, we participate actively in the life of the Parish in our WORSHIP, EDUCATION, and SERVICE and SHARING of our TALENTS, TIME & TREASURE.

  •  God created us to know him, to love him and to serve so that we will be with him forever in his kingdom. (Pope Pius X)

  •  Pope Paul VI completed this Catechism: God created us to know him so that we can share our knowledge of him with others; to love him so that we can lead others to love him; to serve him so that we can let others serve him by serving one another; so that all of us will be with him forever in his kingdom.

  •  “A new commandment I give you that you love one another as I have loved. By this all people will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.”

A. Statement of the desired goal

  • Knowing one another in the Parish is one way of establishing God’s Community. Knowing is a prerequisite of loving. When we know and love each other, we can interact with one another. We can form leaders who are willing to actively participate in bringing the realization of the Vision and Mission Statements of this Parish.


  • In our Parish Church, we have active and non-active members. We have registered and non-registered ones. We have the supporting and the non-supporting members. We have people who believe that coming to Mass here is already a sign of their being a member of this parish. But we hope that all parishioners be active and supportive to our Parish Church and Community.


B. Statement of the desired objective

  • We recognize the different existing parish organizations. It is our hope that we are aware and have aligned ourselves with our vision, mission and goal; that leaders in all our parish organizations must be a model of an active member. We live within our parish boundary; or if outside, we are registered and supportive.


  • Knowing these various organizations in our Parish Community and the limitations of our Parish Facilities, we also know how to make adjustments in order to accommodate the needs of the Parish and the School as a whole. We can set objectives for our various organizations, but the Parish and the School must have always the priority.



107 San Pedro Road

Colma, CA 94014


© 2022 Holy Angels Church 

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